Election Information

At this time, there are no upcoming elections.


General voter’s information.

Early Voting center:

The Early Voting Center for Thomas Township voter’s is located at 618 Cass Street, Saginaw 48602.




List of Thomas Township Precincts: 

Precinct 1-St, Mark Lutheran Church, 2565 N. Miller Road
Precinct 2-Fire Station #1, 355 N. Miller Road
Precinct 3-Thomas Township Public Safety Building, 8215 Shields Drive
Precinct 4-Thomas Township Public Safety Building, 8215 Shields Drive
Precinct 5-Thomas Township Library, 8207 Shields Drive
Precinct 6-Fire Station #1, 355 N. Miller Road
Precinct 7-Fire Station #1, 355 N. Miller Road


Am I registered in the correct municipality?

To verify that you are registered to vote and registered to vote at the correct municipality (in case of a recent move) please use the State of Michigan’s Voter Information Center.



Election Inspectors

Thomas Township is always looking for election inspectors to work elections.  If you are a Saginaw County resident who is registered to vote and you are interested in working as an election inspector, please call the Clerk’s office at 1-989-781-0150.



Thomas Township Precinct Boundaries


Polling Locations


Thomas Township