A Message from the Chief

With the increase in the number of subdivisions, residents and businesses, the face of Thomas Township has changed dramatically over the last fifteen to twenty years.  These changes throughout the community have also brought with it many challenges associated with growth.  The police department would like to remind everyone that fighting crime is a community effort.  Each resident of the township is the eyes and ears of their police department and is responsible for reporting violations of law and suspicious activity.  Many times we hear of suspicious activity that people felt uncomfortable reporting that turns out to have been a crime being committed or a prelude to a crime.  With timely notification we may have been able to prevent or catch a crime in progress. Our philosophy is that we would rather check a hundred situations and find everything to be all right than to not get a call on the one that is a preventable crime.


Please Call Us!  (989) 781-1300    or    9-1-1


Thomas Township