How Thomas Township’s Archery Program began:
In 2010, Thomas Township started offering archery classes for both beginners and advanced shooters. In 2011, we added the Explore Bowhunting program and are a pilot program for the State. In 2012, Parks Director John Corriveau was selected to attend a week-long archery training program and the Easton Center of Archery Excellence in Yankton South Dakota. As a result, Corriveau received his level 2 certification and $5,000 in additional equipment. Our programs are designed to teach anyone of any age how to shoot a bow and arrow, the mechanics of the equipment and how to be safe.
What we offer:
Archery classes are for beginners who have little to no experience with a bow, as well as those who want to continue advancing their archery skills. Classes are for participants 7 YEARS AND OLDER. Students will be shown proper shooting techniques. Our advanced class is now called Explorer Archery and is for more experienced archers or archers who have passed our beginner archery class. This class shoots from 20 yards with accuracy. Students will be honing their skills through games designed to offer a fun, yet challenging aspect of archery.
All classes will be held at the Saginaw County Field and Stream CEC Building (Indoor Archery Range) at 1500 N Gleaner Rd. Saginaw, MI 48609. (989) 642-8312.
Classes: ***PLEASE NOTE MUST BE SEVEN YRS OLD! *** Beginning Archery Explorer Archery/Advanced Archery (experienced archers) Explorer Bow fishing
Find our current Archery Registration form here: Register
Limited spots available, so please call ahead (989) 781-0151 to see if the class is full.
Registration forms can be submitted by mail or at our offices located at 249 North Miller.