Roberts Park
Located at 455 S. Miller Rd, Roberts Park features 4 soccer fields, 4 softball fields, playscapes, walking paths, pavilions, restrooms and The Thompson Memorial Disc Golf Course

Roethke Park
Located at 400 Leddy Road, Roethke Park Features a pool, Day Camp, Train, Fishing Pond, play area, Concerts and miles of walking trails pavilions and restrooms.

Community Park
Located right at the Thomas Township offices Community Park has a full size basketball court and 6 pickleball courts. The playground areas are still being installed. The Large pod is dedicated to ages 5 – 12 yrs of age and nearly complete. Across the sidewalk will be a smaller pod dedicated to ages 0 – 5 yrs of age. The basketball court and pickleball courts were part of the Municipal Building project while the playgrounds were donated by the Thomas Township DDA, Thomas Township Kiwanis, Thomas Township Lions Club and Yeo & Yeo

Day Park
Located on River road across from Shields Elementary Day Park offers a great open space for all kinds of fun. This park features two picnic table pavilions and a sledding hill come winter time.

Thomas Trail
The Thomas Township Trail is a three mile paved trail extending north from the 11-mile long Saginaw Valley Rail Trail to the governmental complex trailhead. There is ample parking along with seasonal restrooms and water fountain. It continues north connecting to sidewalks on Miller Road.
Virtual Tour of Our Parks: