2025 Garden applications are now available!

The Community Garden Project was created to provide a flat open area for Thomas Township residents, groups or organizations an area to grow seasonal gardens. The location of the Community Garden is at the northwest corner of Frost and Lone Roads (the old community hall site). Four watering spigots are available and will be turned on/off seasonally and maintained by DPW staff. No other gardening tools, hoses, seeds, or plants will be provided by Thomas Township. Parking is available in designated areas only while visiting the Community Garden.
There are a total of 36 plots with access rows. Each individual plot size is 12’ x 28’ allowing the area to be utilized for community planting of annual plants and flowers and vegetables. No raised garden beds are allowed. Plant material, such as trees, are NOT allowed to be planted in Community Garden plots. Please do NOT use wood chips in individual garden plots.
The Community Garden will officially open in May (weather dependent). Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis and plot numbers will be assigned and are not transferrable. Thomas Township DPW staff will initially till the land and till in compost, preparing it for the spring gardening season and the fall dormant period.
Community gardeners are responsible for cultivating, weeding, fertilizing, watering, and taking care of their own plots, including removal of any diseased or dead plants. Four water spigots are available to connect community gardener’s personal hoses. If you will be away for a summer vacation or an extended period of time, please plan for someone to water and care for your assigned plot. Thomas Township DPW staff are not available to do this for you. Also, be aware that community gardeners may plant tall plants such as corn or sunflowers impeding sunlight on neighboring garden plots so plant accordingly.
Community gardeners are responsible for turning the water off when you are finished watering your plot. Also, please be respectful not to drag water hoses through other’s community garden plots. If the water spigots are in use, please wait your turn.
Plants on the State’s Noxious Weed List are not allowed. Check Michigan’s Department of Agriculture website at https://www.michigan.gov/mdard/plant-pest/plant-health/seed/seedlicensing/prohibited-and-restricted-noxious-weed-seeds.
Community gardeners are responsible for cultivating a friendly garden atmosphere and are encouraged to personalize their gardens. Keep in mind Thomas Township does not furnish any security and permanent structures such as raised garden beds, trellises, walls and permanent fences are not permitted. This is a shared community space. Please be respectful of your fellow community gardeners.
The use of pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, etc.) is NOT allowed. Information about organic pesticides is available in a link below.
No pets are allowed in the community garden.
No motorized vehicles or equipment are allowed except for those items utilized by DPW staff.
No smoking on site.
No littering. Trash barrels are conveniently located on the property for your use and will be emptied by DPW staff on a daily basis.
Kids are strongly encouraged to respectfully participate in the Community Garden project. Please give your children friendly reminders to avoid trampling on other gardener’s plots as new plant shoots are very fragile.
No theft of anything including, but not limited to, flowers, produce, gardening tools, hoses, plants or anything else from individual plots or Township property. If you see suspicious or illegal activity, please call 911 or report it to Thomas Township Public Safety at 989-781-1300.
The Community Garden will close at dark. It is understood for safety reasons that community gardeners will not work in their garden plots after dark.
Community gardeners are responsible for harvesting flowers and crops once they are mature. If you have an abundance of these items, food banks and local area charities that distribute food to the general public welcome these donations. Thomas Township does not accept donations of this type and will not sell or distribute them on your behalf.
Community gardeners are expected to clean their individual plots at the end of the gardening growing season. Those who fail to adequately clean out their plots of tomato cages, weed barriers, plastic pots, etc. by the end of the growing season of November 1st may NOT have a plot re-assigned the following year.
Any violations of these rules will result in one written warning letter. Two violations will result in a cancellation letter and dismissal from the program.
If you have any questions, want to provide feedback or suggestions, or register a complaint, please fill out this form and email to dpwassist@thomastwp.org