2025 Spring Soccer



Player's Name(Required)
Parent's Name(Required)
Individual Registering Child First & Last Name
Full Address(Required)
Shirt Size(Required)
My child is(Required)
Select One(Required)

We DO NOT guarantee requests.

Volunteer Coaches determine their team’s practice times.

Therefore, we CAN NOT guarantee requests regarding practice schedules.

6th-7th-8th grade teams are assigned by the Parks & Recreation Director and volunteer coaches.

We can only honor requests between siblings.

(Cash or Check only accepted at office, checks payable to Thomas Township General Fund) Registration Deadline – March 31st ($15 late fee after this date till April 4th) Registration Closes April 4th
My signature on this form verifies that I understand Thomas Township, its employees and volunteers, shall not be responsible for any injury to my child while participating in this soccer program. I waive and release Thomas Township from any and all claims.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Volunteer Coach Name
Thomas Township